Thank you for your interest in investing in the Strategic Opportunities (Growth & Income) Fund (SOGIF) ARSN 668 357 837.
New Investors - use Create Account
If you are a new SOGIF investor and have not previously begun an investment application, then please create an account by completing your details under the heading 'Create Account'.
US Fund Investors - use Create Account
If you are or were an investor in the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund then you will need to create a new SOGIF account by inputting your details anew under the Create Account heading. Your US Fund login will not work here.
Previous SOGIF Investors / Applications In Process - use Account Login
If you have previously begun a SOGIF investor account but did not finish it, or else you have completed a SOGIF application and now want to establish a new investment for a new entity that you will also be the contact for, then please access your account by inputting your details under 'Account Login'.